Sustainability is a hot topic, and for good reason. For salons, managing waste responsibly is a big part of the puzzle. Council recycling is not set up for commercial recycling and the bins are not designed to handle the unique waste that salons produce. That’s where Sustainable Salons comes in, offering a tailored recycling solution that goes above and beyond. Here’s why Sustainable Salons is the right choice for salon businesses.

1. Made for Salons, Not Just Everyone

Council bins are a catch-all solution that work for households but aren’t suited to businesses with specific recycling needs like hair and beauty salons, and barbers. Salons produce a lot of unique waste like hair clippings, foils, and chemicals that council bins just aren’t set up to handle properly.

Sustainable Salons, however, provides bins designed specifically for salon waste. We ensure that everything from hair to plastic bottles is sorted and recycled. For example, we turn hair clippings into eco-friendly products like hair booms for oil spill cleanups, giving hair a second life!

2. More Recycling, Less Landfill

Council recycling programs often fall short because of contamination and limited sorting capabilities. This means a lot of recyclables end up in landfill instead of being reused. In 2021-22 55% of waste was able to be recycled (National Waste Report 2022)

Sustainable Salons can recycle 95% of a salon’s waste, thanks to our in-salon bins and specialised processing. We make sure materials like plastic shampoo bottles are recycled, and made into new products like wide tooth combs or plant pots. The production of closed-loop products reduces the need for new materials and minimises environmental impact.

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3. Doing Good While You Recycle

One of the coolest things about Sustainable Salons is our commitment to giving back. Proceeds from recycled materials go OzHarvest and KiwiHarvest, to provide meals for people in need. We also collect ponytails and send them directly to wigmakers and organisations such as Variety and the Australia Alopecia Areata Foundation (AAAF) to be made into charitable wigs. 

Council recycling bins don’t offer this kind of community impact. With Sustainable Salons, you’re not just recycling—you’re supporting good causes and making a real difference.

4. Spreading the Word on Sustainability

Sustainable Salons isn’t just about recycling; we’re all about education, too. We actively work to teach salon owners, staff, and even clients about sustainable practices and why they matter. This helps create a culture of sustainability that goes beyond just waste management.

Council services usually provide generic advice and education, while Sustainable Salons offers resources and guidance tailored to the salon industry, helping salons make smarter, greener choices.

5. Less Hassle, More Support

Dealing with waste regulations can be a headache for salon owners. Council bins don’t offer much help, leaving businesses to figure things out on their own. This can lead to mistakes or missed opportunities to recycle properly.

Sustainable Salons makes it easy with clear guidelines, staff training, and convenient pickup services tailored to your needs. We take the stress out of sustainability so you can focus on running your salon.


6. Sustainability at the Core

Sustainable Salons isn’t just another recycling program—we’re all about building a circular economy within the salon industry. We’re constantly innovating to find new ways to recycle and repurpose salon waste, turning it into valuable resources. Our latest product, Soilz Alive, is a world-first, all-natural, Australian-made soil treatment product powered by hair. 

This forward-thinking approach is a big step up from council recycling, where waste often goes from bin to landfill. With Sustainable Salons, your salon resources become part of a system that’s designed to reduce environmental impact and boost sustainability. You can find out more about the impact our members have made in our Impact Report

Wrapping It Up: Make the Switch to a Sustainable Salon

Switching to Sustainable Salons over council recycling bins is more than just a waste management choice—it’s a step toward a more sustainable and socially responsible business. With tailored services, higher recycling rates, charitable giving, and a strong focus on education, Sustainable Salons offers a level of impact that council bins just can’t match.

For salons that want to do their part for the planet and their community, Sustainable Salons is the clear choice. It’s not just about recycling—it’s about making a meaningful impact in every way possible.
