Most Aussies agree that recycling is important, but small mistakes can dilute our good intentions. We want to do the right thing, believing that the more we recycle, the better. But what if some of the items we’re tossing in the recycling bin don’t belong there? The less we send to landfill in those red bins, the better, right?

The Reality Check: Are We as Good as We Think?

A recent report by Cleanaway found that 81% of us rate ourselves as good or very good recyclers, with many people actively engaging in sustainable practices. Despite this positive mindset, the report highlights that misconceptions and lack of knowledge are compromising our efforts:

  • 33% of Australians mistakenly put soft plastics in the mixed recycling bin.
  • 48% incorrectly recycle takeaway coffee cups.
  • 33% don’t rinse or empty containers before recycling.

38% don’t check for recycling symbols before disposing of an item.

Introducing ‘Wishcycling’: When Hope Meets the Recycling Bin

Have you ever tossed something into the recycling bin, hoping it’ll get recycled, even if you weren’t sure? That’s called ‘wishcycling’ — putting non-recyclable items in the recycling bin with the hope they’ll be dealt with correctly. We’ve all done it, right?

The Recycling Behaviours Report found that 35% of us struggle to find clear recycling instructions, and 80% of Australians mistakenly believe the Plastics Identification Code (symbol for PVC) is a recycling symbol.

Confusion Reigns: What Can We Actually Recycle?

It’s no wonder so many of us are confused. From paper towels to garden hoses, toothpaste tubes to greasy pizza boxes, it’s often unclear what household items can and cannot be recycled. And just because an item is recyclable somewhere doesn’t mean it should go in your kerbside bin. Each community has access to different recycling facilities with varying capabilities, meaning rules change depending on where you live.

How to Stop Wishcycling at Home: Tips to Get It Right

1. Download RECYCLE MATE

This free app takes the guesswork out of recycling anywhere in Australia. Simply take a photo or type in the name of an item, and Recycle Mate will tell you exactly how to dispose of it based on your location.

2. Keep It Clean

Wondering how clean your recyclables need to be? Small amounts of food won’t interfere with the recycling process for glass and steel, but greasy, oily, or food-contaminated paper can’t be recycled. Give containers a quick rinse, but there’s no need to use soap. For pizza boxes, remove the soiled parts or dispose of them if they’re too greasy.

3. Know Your Local Recycling Rules

Visit your local council’s website to find detailed information on what’s accepted in your community’s recycling program. If you’re unsure, don’t hesitate to reach out and ask.

Sustainable Salons: Taking the Guesswork Out of Recycling

At Sustainable Salons, we simplify recycling for salons. We recycle 95% of your salon's waste, and our separation bins help prevent contamination, making materials more valuable to recyclers. Our clear bin stickers and training programs ensure you’re confident every time you toss an item into our bins — no wishcycling here!

Learn more about the material we collect and recycle
