We’re introducing a hairy new product to our range of closed-loop products. Soilz Alive is a world-first, all-natural, Australian-made soil treatment product powered by—you guessed it—hair! 

Created in partnership with compost guru and fellow hair lover Jackie Yong, Soilz Alive is a truly one-of-a-kind product backed by research. Soilz Alive revitalises plants and helps with water retention, repels pests naturally, and balances microbes. 

Soilz Alive Creator Jackie Yong

An underrated super ingredient

So, why hair, you ask? 

As a natural, organic product, hair has more potential than you can shake a ponytail at. In Soilz Alive, hair adds a healthy dose of microbial life and releases nitrogen, oxygen, carbon, sulphur, and hydrogen into the soil. Hair is naturally made of keratin, which is incredibly high in protein. More protein and trace minerals mean more happy plants. 

Oh, and another great thing about Soilz Alive? It doesn’t smell. Goodbye smelly fertilisers, hello Soilz Alive! 

The circular economy in action

Here at Sustainable Salons, we have a vision for the future. It’s one where salon materials are given new life over and over again. 

This is the circular economy in action, and we’re driving systemic change by pushing the boundaries of product innovation. 

Where others see hair clippings, we see potential.

Hair can be used in so many highly innovative ways, and shouldn’t be seen as waste! We’re constantly researching new and exciting ways to use hair. Soilz Alive is just one of the ways hair gets a second life once it leaves your client’s head. We use hair clippings in hair booms to soak up oil in the event of an oil spill. It’s also being used to research sustainable technology. In a few years, you might even have human hair in your smartphone! 

Good for the planet, great for your bottom line

We don’t just want to create fabulous products; we also want to ensure that you, our members, benefit from them. That’s why our closed-loop products are available to purchase and on-sell in your salons. 

Our closed-loop products offer a glimpse into the circular economy in action, and clients love to see these products on your salon shelves. They show your clients exactly how waste material from your salon is given new life and contributes to a vision where nothing is wasted. 

Our goal with closed-loop products is twofold -

  1. Create beautiful, innovative products that show that together, we can eliminate waste from salons completely
  2. Offer products for our members to on-sell that tell a story of sustainability, are practical and convenient and eliminate waste! 

Soilz Alive is available in 2L packets to nourish your salon’s plant friends, 150mL sachets for helping single plants, and our brand-new Retail Unit. The Retail Unit contains six 150mL sachets and, with an attractive profit margin, is the perfect way to sell Soilz Alive to your clients. 

Shonagh Botley, Sho & Co, showing Soilz Alive to a salon client

To learn more about how we’re changing how hair is viewed, check out our other hairy products, including hair booms and hairy tech. 

You can pick up Soilz Alive now through the AU Rewards + Cash store in the Members Hub. Grab the Retail Unit today and show your clients the endless potential of hair! 
