As we step into the heart of winter, we are presented with a unique opportunity to make a significant impact on our environment: Plastic Free July is a global movement that encourages individuals, communities, and businesses to reduce their plastic consumption for a month, with the ultimate goal of creating lifelong habits that contribute to a cleaner, healthier planet. At Sustainable Salons, we are committed to this cause, championing sustainable practices within the hair and beauty industry. But why is it so crucial to reduce plastic use, especially here in Australia?


The Plastic Problem

Australia's love affair with plastic is undeniable. Each year, Australians generate about 2.5 million tonnes of plastic waste, with only 9% being recycled*. The rest ends up in landfills, our oceans, and even our own backyards. This plastic pollution has devastating effects on wildlife, marine ecosystems, and human health. Microplastics, tiny plastic particles that result from the breakdown of larger items, have been found in everything from sea salt to our drinking water. The consequences of plastic pollution are far-reaching and alarming.


Why Plastic Free July Matters

Plastic Free July serves as a powerful reminder of the environmental impact of our daily choices. By challenging ourselves to refuse single-use plastics for a month, we can:

  1. Reduce Plastic Waste: Every piece of plastic avoided is one less item that could potentially harm wildlife or pollute our environment.
  2. Raise Awareness: Participating in Plastic Free July sparks conversations and educates others about the importance of reducing plastic use.
  3. Encourage Innovation: As consumers demand more sustainable options, businesses are prompted to innovate and offer eco-friendly alternatives.
  4. Build Sustainable Habits: A month of mindful consumption can lead to long-term behaviour changes, fostering a culture of sustainability.


Sustainable Salons: Leading the Charge

At Sustainable Salons, we are dedicated to making every salon experience sustainable in the hair industry. Our mission is to ensure that what is considered waste today becomes a resource of the future. We partner with salons across Australia to implement comprehensive recycling programs that divert up to 95% of salon waste from landfill. Here's how we are contributing to the fight against plastic pollution:

  1. Focused on the Circular Economy: We collect and recycle various plastic waste from salons, such as shampoo bottles, product packaging, and plastic tools. These materials are repurposed into new products like combs and coasters, closing the loop on plastic waste and reducing the demand for virgin plastic. Our closed-loop system ensures that plastic waste is transformed into valuable resources, creating new products that can be used and sold in salons, thus minimising environmental impact.
  2. Supporting Social Enterprises: We work with social enterprises to provide meaningful employment opportunities for people with disabilities. These partnerships not only help to process the recycled materials but also foster community inclusion and support.
  3. Education and Advocacy: We believe that education is key to driving change. We provide resources and support to our member salons, helping them educate their clients about the importance of reducing plastic use and embracing sustainable practices.
  4. Rewarding Sustainable Practices: Through our rewards store, we can guide our members towards more sustainable products to use in their salon. We offer sustainable swaps for salon essentials that can help make their whole salon more eco-friendly, like Hello Bleach tint brushes made from recycled plastic, or biodegradable wipes and gloves. 


How You Can Get Involved

Plastic Free July is the perfect time to join the movement and make a difference. Here are some practical steps you can take:

  1. Refuse Single-Use Plastics: Say no to items like plastic bags, straws, and disposable cutlery. Opt for reusable alternatives instead.
  2. Buy Recycled: Choose to buy products that are made from recycled plastic rather than virgin plastic. You can also look for products that come in recycled packaging. 
  3. Recycle Responsibly: Ensure that your plastic waste is properly sorted and recycled. Look for local recycling programs and initiatives.
  4. Spread the Word: Share your Plastic Free July journey on social media and encourage others to join the challenge.


The Path Forward

Plastic Free July is more than a month-long challenge; it's a catalyst for change. By participating, we can collectively reduce plastic pollution, protect our environment, and inspire others to adopt sustainable practices. At Sustainable Salons, we are committed to a more sustainable future, transforming the hair and beauty industry one recycled plastic bottle at a time. Let's embrace Plastic Free July and pave the way for a greener, cleaner planet.


