BUOY Salon Spa in Wellington, New Zealand, recently shared an inspiring chapter of their sustainability journey with us…..redeeming a Fonzarelli Scooter with points earned from the Sustainable Salons Rewards Store. 

From the moment Sam Elvy, Managing Director of BUOY, signed the salon up for the Sustainable Salons program in 2020, the team has been on a mission to eliminate waste and set a new standard for innovation in sustainability. Their sustainability story is a testament to what a dedicated team can achieve when they commit to making a difference.


A Bold Step Toward Sustainability

Sam and the BUOY team recognised that the hairdressing industry, with its long and storied history, was a significant producer of waste. Determined to change that narrative, they joined the program to provide effective recycling solutions and ensure their services did not compromise the environment. This move was not just about responsible recycling; it was about creating a better, greener future for the community and the industry at large.

At Buoy we are committed to ensuring  that beauty and sustainability go hand in hand. Being a part of the Sustainable Salons program has been a game-changer for us. The rewards store and the hub have provided us with invaluable resources and incentives to stay committed to our sustainability goals.

Sam Elvy, Managing Director of BUOY

Leading the Change

Thanks to the Sustainable Salons program, BUOY has transformed its operations and is now ensuring that every salon service is sustainable. They've embraced innovative practices, from recycling 95% of salon materials to minimising energy usage, all while maintaining the top-notch service their clients expect. Their efforts have not only reduced waste but also inspired other salons to follow suit.


Rewards for a Greener Future

One of the exciting aspects of being part of the Sustainable Salons family is the rewards program. Salons can earn points for their sustainable actions, which can be redeemed for a variety of eco-friendly products and services. BUOY Salon has been so committed to their sustainability goals that they've accumulated enough points to redeem a truly impressive reward: an electric Fonzarelli scooter.


The Electric Fonzarelli: A Symbol of Progress

The electric Fonzarelli scooter is more than just a sleek, sustainable ride; it symbolises the journey BUOY Salon has undertaken and the progress they've made. It's a tangible reminder of their dedication to reducing waste and embracing greener practices. Every time the scooter zips through Wellington, it's a beacon of what can be achieved when a business commits to sustainability.


The Road Ahead

Sam and the BUOY team aren't stopping here, and they're determined to lead by example. With their new electric scooter, they'll continue to champion sustainability and inspire others. 
